The Five Star Education Foundation is the exclusive nonprofit partner to Adams 12 Five Star Schools and supports students by removing barriers to provide pathways towards success in life and in a strong community. The Five Star Education Foundation invests in student success by supporting post-secondary career success.
The Five Star Education Foundation wants to empower all students to explore the different careers the world has to offer and discover who they want to be. We created the Five Star Trail as an online career discovery center for Adams 12 Five Star Students. Walk the Five Star Trail and you will find opportunities for:
Students can:
Take virtual tours of job sites to see what their future work environment looks like
View salary ranges within the career field and in educational training
Check out local companies that help their employees grow within the company by providing college tuition support and career growth opportunities
See the many success stories of students who have completed the FutureForward program
Review advice written by experts of the field and members of our community
Take this knowledge further by connecting with Naviance, college and career software recommended by the Colorado Department of Education

What is futureforward?
FutureForward unifies all of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) programming across Adams 12 Five Star Schools and gives all students a competitive advantage as they enter college, career, or the military. Students in FutureForward:
Explore opportunities that prepare them for high-demand careers and give them an edge in entering college.
Engage in authentic, hands-on learning.
Equip themselves with relevant, rigorous, and practical skills.
FutureForward career pathways are based on the state and national Career Cluster model in an effort to help learners navigate their way to greater success in career and college. The pathways are intentionally developed to provide links between secondary and post-secondary options. In the process, the pathways help learners to discover where their interests and passions lie.
Programs by Adams 12 high school
Horizon High School
Legacy High School
Mountain Range High School
Northglenn High School
Thornton High School
FutureForward at Bollman​
FutureForward at Washington Square